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Character Breakdown
The narrator is the storyteller who speaks directly to the audience. This character helps control the pacing of the show and always needs to be ready for their next entrance, as they pop in and out throughout the story. Find a charismatic girl or boy with great diction for this large speaking role with minimal singing.
Raising a son and running a farm all by herself has made Jack's Mother a bit frazzled and most definitely overworked. Jack s Mother is a great role for a character actress with solid comic timing and good singing skills.
The Baker's Wife is a strong, determined and loving woman whose desire to have a child drives the action of the whole show. Her storyline helps tie all the characters storylines together. Cast one of your strongest female performers in this role as it requires both excellent singing and acting as well as a good sense of comedic timing.
Little Red starts the show as a loud, bratty, pushy, glutton who happily manipulates people and situations to get her way. Eventually, she learns some valuable lessons and softens around the edges. The actress you cast should have a loud, powerful voice and be a good actor. Ideally, your Little Red will have a strong sense of musicality (her songs are often rhythmically challenging).
The Witch is an ancient, mysterious and manipulative woman who will do anything possible to regain her beauty and protect Rapunzel. While she may seem old and haggard, she still has the strength to control other people. This role is perfect for a good character actress and singer who can physically and vocally portray the complexities of the role.
Cinderella's Stepsisters are spoiled brats who care only about themselves and marrying Cinderella's Prince. Cast two actresses who work well together and are able to portray their cattiness in a bold and comical way.
The Wolf is a sly and dangerous character intently focused on attacking Little Red Ridinghood. Cast an actor and singer who can physically and vocally bring the Wolf to life. Also keep your wolf on two feet: don't have the actor try to walk on his hands and knees.
Granny is a feisty woman who is not afraid to fight the Wolf face to face. This non-singing role is perfect for a young performer able to make strong character choices.
Milky-White is Jack s cow. You could use a cardboard or plaster cow for this role, but it can be a lot of fun to cast a child as Milky-White. If you do cast a child in this role, look for a focused performer with an expressive face.
Cinderella's Father will not win any Father-of-the-Year awards. He doesn't care about his daughter's well-being or her actions. This non-singing role is perfect for a new performer just learning to be comfortable onstage.
Cinderella's Prince is a conceited man who adamantly pursues Cinderella and can't take no for an answer. When not chasing her, he is trying to show up Rapunzel's Prince. This role requires a good singer and actor who can portray arrogance while still being likeable.
Cinderella' s Mother comforts Cinderella in her one short song. She has no dialogue, so cast a singer with a strong, pleasant voice for this role.
Rapunzel's Prince is the pompous and arrogant brother of Cinderella's Prince. Sibling rivalry runs rampant between the brothers, including each brother's belief that his lady love is the most beautiful. Cast a talented singer who can portray confidence both physically and vocally.
Cinderella's Stepmother is a mean, evil woman who only cares about her birth children, daughters Florinda and Lucinda. She has only a few singing lines, so look mainly for an actress who can portray both the strong distaste the character has for Cinderella as well as the love she showers on her own spoiled daughters.
Cinderella is a simple peasant girl whose one wish is to go to the Festival. Unfortunately, when her wish comes true she learns that wishes sometimes come with consequences. Cinderella s inner beauty always shines through her sometimes clumsy and awkward exterior. Cast a great singer and actor who is charming while maintaining a sense of humor.
Rapunzel has been stuck in a tower for the majority of her life. Finally, she stands up to the Witch in order to get out to see the world. This role doesn t have a great deal of dialogue, but you will want to cast an excellent soprano singer.