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Questions for Tick, Tick... Boom!
Rights Availability
I'm interested in finding out if the rights for Next to Normal and Tick Tick Boom are available for licensing next year. Is there a way to check the availability of the shows without going through the process of applying for the license?
Lyrics of the songs in Italian
I work as a volunteer with an amateur theater group of teens in Italy.
Every year we try to put on a different show and this year we would like to stage a free adaptation of “TICK, TICK…BOOM!” in Italian.
Our use would be for amateur play only, just for fun; the audience would only be relatives and friends of the teens, no ticket payment.
I ask you if it is possible to get the lyrics of the songs in Italian so that we can use them for our purpose.
We know that STM - Scuola Teatro Musicale in Italy (, already adapted the musical into Italian, We already contacted them to ask for the lyrics of the songs, but they told us that the script is the intellectual property of the author's heirs, and so they suggested to ask you directly to authorize.
Thank you
Costs and changes
I'm a theatre directing student, starting my M.A this year (2023/2024). I want to do Tick, Tick...Boom! for my 1st year's masters class project, as an educational process for me with one of my best musicals. The project is doing two performances for a small crowd without ticket sales.
I have the following questions:
1. I want to translate it into another language, what is the process for doing so?
2. Is it possible to edit and shorten the show/do a part of it as a presentation? (like taking out a song)
3. Are there any backing tracks for the show that We're allowed to use for putting on the show?
Thank you!
New to this, Upfront costs
Hi there,
im very new to the licensing sides of things. I have performed in many shows in my life and understand the costs inside the theatre but not licensing.
I have read that there is a deposit to be paid and then it mentions rental fees on the scrips and scores.
i have also looked at the cost estimator but unsure about it. Could someone help me out? I would like to get the ball rolling to hopefully be able to stage TikTik… Boom but don’t know where to begin.
kind regards
Pricing and Flexibility with the Book
Hello everyone
I'm looking to do a small local production of the musical Tick Tick Boom. I've never gone through the process of acquiring the rights and running a show, as I have usually been an actor on stage and therefore, have a few questions. How much money am I looking to spend on a smaller show such as this one? and what flexibility do I have with the book? Can I omit lines or make small changes to certain lines if it doesn't affect the story? And finally, am I able to buy the rights as a singular person as oppose to through a theatre company?
Thanks so much for the help everyone!