MTI's account management portal, MyMTI, will be offline for planned system maintenance on Friday, March 14, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Eastern time.
Questions for Little Shop Of Horrors
Do you have digital backdrops for Little Shop of Horrors?
Do you have digital backdrops for Little Shop of Horrors?
Are there any digital backdrops for projector system for the Little Shop of Horrors?
is there a performance CD for Little Shop of Horrors
is there a performance CD for Little Shop of Horrors
Answer this Question Can I rent individual Audrey 2 puppets
Can I rent individual Audrey 2 puppets
Does the rental incoude all of the puppets fro the show or can I rent specific puppets if we already have a few of the smaller puppets or don't want to use the larger puppets in the rental package?
Question about Little Shop of Horrors
Question about Little Shop of Horrors
Is there/will there be a 1 act/1 hour/Jr. version of Little Shop of Horrors?
Is it possible to cast a large ensemble (24) for Little Shop of Horrors?
Is it possible to cast a large ensemble (24) for Little Shop of Horrors?
Is it possible to cast a large ensemble (24) for Little Shop of Horrors?
Do you receive hard copies of the scripts and scored when applying for a licence? I can't find where to purchase the scripts from online.
Do you receive hard copies of the scripts and scored when applying for a licence? I can't find where to purchase the scripts from online.
Scripts and Scores
How soon can we get the 'Little Shop of Horrors' orchestrations?
How soon can we get the 'Little Shop of Horrors' orchestrations?
We like to have our students start to learn these songs early in the semester in their band course. We'd like for them to start learning it at this time and ws wondering if we could get the materials early for this reason. Is this a possibility?
Can you tell me the run time of Little Shop of Horrors?
Can you tell me the run time of Little Shop of Horrors?
Answer this QuestionThis question has no answers
Can someone else from my company order royalties?
Can someone else from my company order royalties?
Answer this Question Do you license the 2003 version of Little Shop?
Do you license the 2003 version of Little Shop?
Your website says the version you can license is the 1982 Off-Broadway version. Have the orchestrations been updated or so you hold the rights to the newer version?
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