Questions for Disney's The Little Mermaid JR.
Where/how can I purchase additional rehearsal CDs and Actors book?
Where/how can I purchase additional rehearsal CDs and Actors book?
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i would like to project ariels transformation need detail on the process
i would like to project ariels transformation need detail on the process
or another way of simulating her swim to the surface
Can High School students Perform in jr shows?
What is the minimum cast for Little Mermaid, jr?
How long do materials typically take to arrive? (I'm still waiting for my organization to be approved)
Creating Water
Creating Water
Hello - are there ideas out there about how to make water. We have considered using pieces of fabric, but were wondering if there were other ways that are creative and feasible for our middle school budget. Thanks!
Where to end ACT I in Disney's Little Mermaid Jr
Where to end ACT I in Disney's Little Mermaid Jr
Hi everyone! This may sound like a ridiculous question but, where have you been ending ACT I in Disney's Little Mermaid Jr. There are two places I feel that would work, either after Part of Your World Reprise 2 or after she surrenders her voice to Ursula and swims to the surface. What has everyone else been doing?
Looking for Ursula's Shell
Looking for Ursula's Shell
Looking to rent or buy Ursulas shell. I am looking for a larger one that Flotsam and Jetsem can bring to her. Would love it to light up.Please email me if you have one to rent or sell or have ideas on how in the heck I can make it.
Smaller cast for the little mermaid jr
Smaller cast for the little mermaid jr
I'm planning on doing the show with a group of 16 is that possible to do and who could double?
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Little Mermaid logo
Little Mermaid logo
Where do I find the color logo for programs? (Yes, I have purchased the showkit and license) A note said to go website.Debi Savage
China Silk Panels
China Silk Panels
Hi! I'd like to use the panels in our production of Disney's The Little Mermaid JR. How wide and long are the panels used in the Storm on the DVD? Thanks!