Questions for Newsies

Will "Newsies" rights be available for Australian and New Zealand schools by mid 2019?
Will "Newsies" rights be available for Australian and New Zealand schools by mid 2019?
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Wondering if OrchXtra will be available for Newsies, and if so, when?

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Is Newsies available for schools in Australia?
Is Newsies available for schools in Australia?
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Will Rehearscore be available for Newsies in the near future?
Will Rehearscore be available for Newsies in the near future?

Will Rehearscore be available for Newsies in the near future?

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Newsies Perusal?
Newsies Perusal?

Will you be able to request a perusal prior to March 1?

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Can you provide this for Newsies?
Can you provide this for Newsies?
When the rights for Newsies go up to the general public, will this/can this be provided? It's a very dance heavy show, so it would be very helpful and useful to have a guide.
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will newsies be released as a juniors version??
will newsies be released as a juniors version??
Are there any new Juniors versions coming soon? Newsies? Matilda??
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Excited that Newsies is coming. I thought I saw somewhere on this site that you were already taking tentative reservations for Newsies but now I can't find it. Can we make 'hopeful' dates for 2019?
Excited that Newsies is coming. I thought I saw somewhere on this site that you were already taking tentative reservations for Newsies but now I can't find it. Can we make 'hopeful' dates for 2019?
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My name is Ann Cook. I am teaching a youth theater program for our town. We are looking to do a review that will include hard knock life and two songs from newsies and a few lines from the show. do we need to buy rights?
My name is Ann Cook. I am teaching a youth theater program for our town. We are looking to do a review that will include hard knock life and two songs from newsies and a few lines from the show. do we need to buy rights?
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When will newsies be available for community theatre?
When will newsies be available for community theatre?
How can we get on the list to do this show
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