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Questions for Peter and the Starcatcher
What are the restrictions?
What are the restrictions?
At the bottom of the description it states in bold that "Restrictions may Apply" What are those restrictions?
Is Peter and the Starcatcher a musical or a straight play?
Is Peter and the Starcatcher a musical or a straight play?
I'm confused because there is a libretto and a piano score, but no mention of any songs anywhere
Is this a play? A musical?
Is this a play? A musical?
Is this a play, a musical, or a play with music? Is it possible to do this with recorded music instead of live music? (We have a small theater and no room for a pit).
The description did not indicate music, but I just received a contract with info about librettos, etc.
Thank you!
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Non-Profit Performance
Non-Profit Performance
My high school acting club is wanting to take a cutting from Peter and the Starcatcher to perform at our annual fine arts competition. It would be about 10 to 15 minutes and only done with a few actors. We would give credit to the writer/creators, and they would not be doing it for any sort of fee/payment. Are we allowed to do this without licensing the entirety of the play? If so, who should we contact to figure out the exact details?
UK License?
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how can you find a recording for the music in Peter and the Star Catcher?
how can you find a recording for the music in Peter and the Star Catcher?
I am looking for a recording of the music from Peter and the Star Catcher and a I'm not having any luck. Thoughts....
Peter Perusal
Peter Perusal
Is it too late to receive a free perusal? I put in for an electronic, and it still had a fee.
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Free Perusal of Peter & the Starcatcher
Free Perusal of Peter & the Starcatcher
Hello: I received an email with an offer for a free perusal of the script to Peter and the Starcatcher. I have followed the instructions on the email, but cannot locate the free perusal. Kindly send me the direct link, or more detailed instructions on how to access it. Thank you.
I would like to get the non-professional rights to produce this show at El Paso Community College in El Paso TX as part of our summer 2016 Summer Repertory. Are the rights available yet?