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Milky-White: White Cow for Into the Woods
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I recently constructed this Milky-White for a production of Into the Woods, and am looking to find her a new home!
The base is a dolly painted black, so she can be wheeled around very easily. I put a special rubber tape on the wheels so that there is very limited noise on stage as well. Milky-White is supported with wooden dowels, and the body is made out of carved foam, meaning the entire prop is very lightweight. The head was constructed with cardboard and paper machéd, and attached to the body using wooden dowels, cardboard, and some duct tape. The legs are made out of cardboard. The entire cow was paper machéd and painted white, with black hooves, a pink nose and inner ears, a pink udder, and black eyes. There is a curly brown tail and a rope that goes around the neck as well! There is also a pouch secured to the underbelly (in the show, this was used when the actors are "feeding" objects to Milky-White). It is painted white to blend in with the cow and can be secured with velcro when not in use. If you would like more photos, please let me know (for some reason they came out blurry in the listing)!
Milky-White is currently available for pick up in Brooklyn, NY. I can potentially coordinate a delivery depending on where it is needed - feel free to contact me! Price is negotiable.