Brisa’s Pieces: Awards Ceremonies Are A Win For Your Theater
Brisa’s Pieces: Awards Ceremonies Are A Win For Your Theater
By Brisa Trinchero on May 28, 2013
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Award Ceremonies, Brisa's Pieces, Tony Awards

But before you think this is just the New York theater world patting itself on the back, let me remind you that in addition to recognizing exceptional performances and productions, awards season is all about marketing to our audiences!
Do you have a theater award ceremony in your town? In Portland, where I’m from, there are two - one for theater in general and one specifically for musicals. In addition to being a fun way to come together for an evening to celebrate a thriving community, award winners and nominees also benefit extra news coverage in local print and TV as well as something to tout to donors, foundations, and patrons.
Studies of the Tony Awards have shown that the marketing value of a Tony Award or even a nomination has a measurable impact on the financial success of the show. While many local awards ceremonies celebrate limited run season shows that may no longer be running, the impact on the theater’s reputation and cache in the community cannot be underestimated.
An effective awards ceremony can be anything from a full blown show with celebrity presenters and musical numbers to a simple press conference where the winners are announced.
If your theater community doesn’t have a ceremony, I encourage you to start one next season.
If you already have one, consider creating a new one that recognizes a different aspect.
You could take a tip from the Audience Choice Awards and create fun categories like: Best Diva Moment, Best Onstage Couple, etc
You could borrow from the Theater World Awards playbook which honors the best debut performances (in this case on Broadway).
By my last count New York City has over a dozen major award ceremonies each spring and counting...
Whether your particular show wins or loses in any given year, awards ceremonies are a big win for building recognition, respect and financial returns for your theater community.
Read all of Brisa’s Pieces here.
