MTI Acquires Evil Dead The Musical

MTI Acquires Evil Dead The Musical
Evil has a new home! MTI has announced the acquisition of Evil Dead The Musical. The show is slated to be available for licensing later this spring.
Evil Dead The Musical takes all the elements of the cult classic films, The Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and combines them for one of the craziest, funniest, and bloodiest theatrical experiences of all time.
Five college students go to an abandoned cabin in the woods, and accidentally unleash an evil force that turns them all into demons. It’s all up to Ash (a housewares employee, turned demon-killing hero), and his trusty chainsaw to save the day. Blood flies. Limbs are dismembered. Demons tell bad jokes… and all to music. The songs in the show are completely off the wall as well. Titles like “All the Men in My Life Keep Getting Killed by Kandarian Demons” and “What the F**k was That?” have had audiences rolling in their seats, and screaming for more and more blood.
While the Evil Dead films are the definition of cult movies, as a stage show, Evil Dead The Musical has become a cult sensation of its own. Featuring a book and lyrics by George Reinblatt, music by Frank Cipolla, Christopher Bond, Melissa Morris and George Reinblatt and additional lyrics by Christopher Bond and additional music by Rob Daleman, by special arrangement with Renaissance Pictures, Ltd. & Studiocanal, the show played Off-Broadway in New York, has broken records in Toronto, has won awards in Korea, launched three North American tours, and has had over 500 productions mounted across the globe.
Critics rave about it, with everyone from The New York Times to Fangoria giving it top marks. And because this show appeals to both the fans of the films (of which there are tons), and the new audience who loves it purely as a stage show, theatres who put on Evil Dead The Musical are blown away by the audience response.
The Evil Dead The Musical cast album, which debuted at number four on the Billboard charts in 2007 is still slaying listeners and is available for streaming on all major platforms.
“We are so excited that MTI will be licensing Evil Dead The Musical across the world. This show already has such a loyal and rabid fanbase, but now we can’t wait for brand new audiences to experience the groovy, campy madness that is Evil Dead The Musical. So to all the theatres licensing Evil Dead -- get ready to break a leg, sever a hand, and have the most bloody fun you’ve ever had on stage!” said Reinblatt, Cipolla, Bond, Morris and Daleman.
Drew Cohen, President and CEO of Music Theatre International stated, “We are thrilled to welcome Evil Dead The Musical to its new home at MTI. The show has been a proven hit with audiences all over the world, with many theatres repeating it year after year. With the upcoming new Evil Dead film slated for release this April -- already receiving high praise at SXSW -- there is even more excitement for this unique property. But you don’t need to be a fan of Evil Dead to love this musical. Whether a theatre is performing the show again or producing it for the first time, this wildly irreverent musical is unlike any live show you’ve ever seen.”
Fans of the musical can also follow the show socially on Twitter and Instagram and visit the official website.
Visit the MTI show page here for licensing and additional information. International / regional restrictions apply.
Photo: Diesel Playhouse, photo by George Pimentel