MTI Presents $10,000 Matching Grant to EdTA for JumpStart Theatre

MTI Presents $10,000 Matching Grant to EdTA for JumpStart Theatre

By Jason Cocovinis on July 2, 2015
Music Theatre International’s John Prignano presented a check for $10,000 to EdTA Executive Director Julie Cohen Theobald, fulfilling MTI’s pledge to match grassroots fundraising for EdTA’s new JumpStart Theatre initiative. Photo by Don Corathers.

Earlier this year, Music Theatre International, the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) and  iTheatrics launched JumpStart Theatre, a three-year scalable pilot program designed to bring musical theatre into schools that currently do not have a performing arts program.

MTI matched gifts to JumpStart Theatre on a dollar-to-dollar basis up to $10,000 to assist the three Cincinnati-area schools that were selected for the program in May.

MTI's Senior Operations Officer, John Prignano was on hand at the 2015 International Thespian Festival to present a check for MTI's matching pledge of $10,000.

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