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Audition Central: Xanadu JR.
Script: Hermes
Hurry up, the sign is so clear anybody can see it.
All right, see you later.
G'day, mate!(#22 HERMES begins. HERMES enters.)
Uh! Oh it is you! Hermes, the fleet-footed messenger of the gods. What brings you to me, Hermes?HERMES
Clio, I bring you a message from Zeus.KIRA
Yes, Hermes.HERMES
He wishes to know if you have seen his sign?KIRA
Yes, yes. I have seen the sign, Hermes.HERMES
He also wishes to remind you that the penalty for creating art on one s own is eternal damnation in the netherworld.KIRA
I am aware of that; you may tell Zeus.HERMES
And thirdly, he wishes you to know that the penalty for loving a mortal is eternal damnation in the netherworld.KIRA
Hermes, why does Zeus tell me these things? I love no one; I have created nothing! I am an ageless and loveless, uncreative being. Why does Zeus accuse me so? Why Hermes, why?HERMES
Girlfriend, I don t know your life.(HERMES exits with attitude)