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Critical Reaction
Critical Reaction
"The Hottest New Musical in New York!"
– Good Morning America
"SHOUT! rivals Jersey Boys for sheer fun."
– David Cote, Time Out NY
"Delightfully Entertaining!"
– John Simon, Bloomberg Radio
"The sleeper hit of the season. This is a show to see!"
– United Press International
"A nicely nostalgic night out with the girls. Light and lively entertainment."
– The Star Ledger
"Buoyant, lively, and utterly charming review. a total delight... something to shout about!"
– Gay City News
"SHOUT! has been an absolute dream of a show for A Chocolate Theatre! We selected it as a 'fill in show' to cheer us up & get us through the dreary Autumn months; it worked! The whole cast & crew are suffering with withdrawal symptoms now that the show has finished! We would recommend SHOUT! to any society that wants to showcase five strong female singers & actresses & who have a chorus who are keen to step in & take on many, varied roles! We were fortunate enough to have the support of The Chocolate Candy Band – who loved the catchy songs & the brilliantly, hilarious script for the 3 night run! SHOUT! proved to be an absolute winner of a show for Chocolate."
– The Chocolate Theatre, Swindon, UK